O Dicionário Biográfico de Cinema#259: Bo Widerberg

Bo Widerberg (1930-1997), n. Malmo, Suécia 1 961: Pojken och Draken [ The Boy and the Kite ] (co-dirigido com Jan Troell) (c). 1963: Barnvagnen [ The Baby Carriage ]; Kvarteret Kopen [ Raven's End ]. 1965: Karlek 65 [ Love 65 ]. 1966: Heja Roland! [ Thirty Times Your Money ]. 1967: Elvira Madigan . 1968: Den Vita Sporten [ The White Game ] (co-dirigido) (d). 1969: Adalen 31 [ Dalen Riots ]. 1970: Joe Hill [ The Ballad of Joe Hill ]. 1974: Fimpen [ Stubby ]. 1976: Mannen pa Taket [ The Man on the Roof ]. 1979: Victoria. 1983: Grifesten *. 1984: Mannen fram Mallorca [The Man from Majorca ]. 1986: Ormen's vag pa Halleberget [ The Serpent's Way ]. 1988: En Far (TV). 1989: Vildanden (TV). 1990: Hebriana (TV). 1992: Efter Föreställningen (TV). 1995: Lost öch Fägring Stor [ Todas as Coisas São Belas ]. A combinação do sentencioso e do meretrício na obra de Bo Widerberg mostra a Suécia moderna abso...