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Tilda Swinton on Why She Doesn't Consider Herself an Actor

In  Wes Anderson ’s latest fairy tale, “ The Grand Budapest Hotel ,” the 53-year-old Scottish actress is virtually unrecognizable under droopy skin and wrinkles as octogenarian Madame D. In the just-released drama “Only Lovers Left Alive,” directed by Jim Jarmusch, she portrays Eve, a chic-looking (if 3,000-year-old) vampire. And in June, she’ll be seen Stateside in Bong Joon-ho’s futuristic “Snowpiercer” as a terrifying political leader whose inspiration draws from equal parts Kim Jong-un and Marilyn Manson. Her versatility as an artist makes her impossible to classify. Along with a prolific screen career highlighted by an Oscar win in 2008 for her portrayal of an unraveling lawyer in “Michael Clayton,” Swinton also performs spoken-word pieces, has founded a  film festival  (Scotland’s Ballerina Ballroom Cinema of Dreams in 2008), and inspired a collection from Chanel. Her best-known work might be “The Maybe,” a  live performance -art piece in which she sleeps inside a glass bo

Lucy Worsley’s ‘Art of the English Murder’

“Scratch John Bull . . . and you find the ancient Briton who revels in blood, who loves to dip deep into a murder and devours the details of a hanging,” The Pall Mall Gazette wrote in 1887, a year before Robert Louis Stevenson’s story “The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” became a stage play. People packed the theater night after night, some fainting after witnessing Richard Mansfield’s performance, which included an extraordinary onstage transformation from monster to doctor. This appetite for gore as entertainment spawned a major industry in print, theater and artifacts in 19th-century England. Lucy Worsley’s lively book, “The Art of the English Murder,” traces the growth of this industry through some of the era’s most avidly followed killings. Her goal isn’t to provide a history of crime or crime writing, but to show how “the British  enjoyed  and  consumed  the idea of murder.” The interplay of urban growth, a rapid rise in literacy, the development of a professional p

Devilish Audacity - Philip Ziegler’s ‘Olivier’

Not so long ago, giants bestrode the British boards. In that theatrically golden 20th century, the stage could boast those wonderful knights, Sirs John Gielgud, Laurence Olivier, Michael Redgrave and Ralph Richardson. Close on their heels were Alec Guinness, John Mills, Paul Scofield, Trevor Howard and Peter O’Toole, among others. And all along there was that chameleon of genius, Noël Coward. Still, the star that probably shone brightest in that constellation, the only one who was raised to baron, was Laurence Olivier (1907-89): matinee idol, movie star, gifted director and producer, in the end even a hologram, easily attaining posthumous immortality. Since boyhood he had wanted to be “the greatest actor in the world ,” and damned if he did not achieve it, with some help from Shakespeare and the movies. Not only was he the most dashing of actors, he was also the most seductive of human beings, tantrums notwithstanding. That fine actress Rosemary Harris remarked: “I

Filme do Dia: Sozinho Contra Todos (1998), Gaspar Noé

S ozinho Contra Todos ( S eul Contre Tous , França, 1998). Direção e Rot. Original: Gaspar Noé. Fotografia: Dominique Colin. Montagem: Lucile Hadzihalilovic & Gaspar Noé. Com: Philippe Nahon, Blandine Lenoir, Frankie Pain, Martine Audrain, Jean-François Rauger, Guillaume Niclaux, Olivier Doran, Aïssa Djabri. 1980. Um açougueiro (Nahon), órfão desde criança, procura reestabelecer sua vida após a prisão, onde tentara assassinar um homem que acreditara ter estuprado sua filha.. Ele volta a se casar e vai morar com sua esposa (Pain) na província, junto a sua sogra (Audrain). Desempregado e constantemente pressionado, ele agride fortemente a esposa grávida e parte para Paris. Lá sobrevive com dificuldades e possui planos de assassinar um gerente de supermercado (Niclaux) que o humilhou. Decide visitar a filha de sua primeira união, Cyntia (Lenoir), que vive em um reformatório. O reencontro com a filha provoca uma reviravolta em sua vida. Estreia em longa-metragem de N

Filme do Dia: A Onda (2008), Dennis Gansel

A Onda ( Die Welle , Alemanha, 2008). Direção: Dennis Gansel. Rot. Adaptado: Dennis Gansel & Peter Thorwhart, baseado no romance de Todd Strasser. Fotografia: Torsten Breuer. Música: Heiko Maile. Montagem: Ueli Christen. Dir. de arte:   Knut Loewe & Petra Ringleb. Cenografia: Tilman Lasch. Figurinos: Ivana Milos. Com: Jürgen Vogel, Frederick Lau, Max Riemelt, Jennifer Ulrich, Christiane Paul, Jacob Matschenz, Cristina do Rego, Elias M’Barek. Professor de escola secundária (Vogel) cria um experimento que o torna lider de um grupo de colegiais que se vestem de branco, acham-se superiores e criam intensos laços de fraternidade que exclui todos os que nao fazem parte do grupo. Rainer, o professor, percebe que perdeu o controle da situação quando vê estampado em um jornal a foto de uma pichação gigante efetuada no alto de uma construção com o símbolo do movimento e vê sua esposa Anke (Lau) o abandonar quando essa ouve dele que ela, também professora na mesma escola, enc

Filme do Dia: Violento e Profano (1997), Gary Oldman

Violento e Profano ( Nil by Mouth , Reino Unido/França, 1997). Direção e Rot. Original: Gary Oldman. Fotografia: Ron Fortunato. Música: Eric Clapton. Montagem: Brad Fuller. Dir. de arte: Hugo Luczyk-Wyhowski & Luana Hanson. Figurinos: Barbara Kidd. Com: Ray Winstone, Kathy Burke, Charlie Creed-Miles, Laila Morse, Edna Doré, Chrissie Cotterill, Jon Morrison, Jamie Foreman. Família humilde de quatro gerações de mulheres se vê ameaçada quando Valerie (Burke) passa a ser perseguida pelo marido Ray (Winstone), que a espancara e fizera perder o filho que esperava dele. O irmão de Valerie, Billy (Creed-Miles) que havia sido escorraçado da família e espancado por Ray após uma noitada em conjunto ao fazer uso da droga do mesmo é preso. Toda a família, inclusive Ray, para o desgosto da mãe de Valerie, Janet (Morse), decide visitá-lo na prisão. O único filme de Oldman como cineasta, o que talvez se deva ao fato de ser fortemente influenciado por sua própria biografia pessoal,