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Morre aos 65 anos a cineasta belga Chantal Akerman

A cineasta belga Chantal Akerman, nascida em Bruxelas em 1950, decidiu terminar com sua vida na segunda-feira  em Paris . Essa pioneira do cinema experimental, frequentemente interessada em descrever a alienação feminina, se suicidou na capital francesa, onde morava, encerrando uma longa trajetória que a transformou em uma das principais figuras do cinema autoral no continente europeu. Seu cinema muitas vezes tomou a forma de uma série de intermináveis planos sequência, tão áridos como a própria vida, com os quais descreveu  a condição da mulher  e o trauma ligado à identidade judaica, rompendo com noções inerentes à linguagem cinematográfica como a narração linear e a elipse temporal. Em seu primeiro curta-metragem, Saute Ma Ville (1968), filmado quando tinha somente 17 anos, Akerman já dava mostras de seu estilo. A protagonista, fechada em sua cozinha, terminava explodindo sua casa e toda a cidade, ao colocar a cabeça no forno e acender um fósforo. O mundo doméstico voltar

Morreu Manoel de Oliveira. Como queria, filmou até ao fim

Em 2010, num artigo para o PÚBLICO, em "defesa do cinema português", escreveu que pensava nas condições cada vez mais difíceis dessa coisa de fazer filmes em Portugal. Que pensava nos seus colegas. "Eles, como eu, sempre viveram na precariedade e na insegurança, sem reforma nem subsídio de desemprego, e sem nunca sabermos se não estaremos a fazer o nosso último filme. Eles, como eu, só temos um desejo: todos ambicionamos morrer a fazer filmes." Morreu esta manhã o realizador Manoel de Oliveira. Tinha 106 anos. Morreu em casa, soube o PÚBLICO junto de fonte próxima da família. Quando, jovem de 20 anos, começou a frequentar os meios do cinema, este dava ainda os primeiros passos como nova forma de expressão artística, mesmo se com a energia inovadora da narrativa de um David W. Griffith, do expressionismo alemão de um Wilhelm F. Murnau, ou do realismo soviético de um Sergei M. Eisenstein. Em 1928, matriculou-se na Escola de Actores de Cinema fundada no P

Documentary Filmmaker Albert Maysles Dies at 88

Albert Maysles , who collaborated along with his late brother  David  in a documentary career that included the troubling 1970 concert film  Gimme Shelter , has died. He was 88. The director and cinematographer, an Oscar nominee, died Thursday at his home in Manhattan of natural causes,  Stacey Farrar , marketing director at the Maysles Center in New York, confirmed to  The Hollywood Reporter . He had been battling cancer.  Gimme Shelter  — which chronicled the 1969 Rolling Stones tour that culminated in the Altamont Free Concert, at which a fan brandishing a gun was stabbed to death by a Hells Angels security man — stood as a stark and more enduring counterpoint to the documentary  Woodstock , a depiction of the glorified 1969 free concert whose own dark side was left out in its preconceived, celebratory style. Their most well-known film,  Grey Gardens  (1975), was a profile of  Jacqueline Onassis ' eccentric cousins — mother and daughter  Big Edie  and  Little Edie B

´Lauren Bacall, Star of Hollywood’s Golden Age, Dies at 89

 Ainda não sei se de fato ela morreu. Informações ainda são desencontradas. Alguns sites afirmam que foi uma notícia plantada no twitter.   Lauren Bacall , the sultry blonde siren who became an overnight star via a memorable film debut at age 19 opposite Humphrey Bogart in Howard Hawks’ “To Have and Have Not,” died Tuesday of a suspected stroke at her home in the Dakota in Manhattan. She was 89. The Bogart estate tweeted the news Tuesday evening. Variety’s review of the 1944 film described her as “a young lady of presence,” and audiences immediately embraced her gravel-voiced and sultry persona. The voice was said to have come from a year shouting into a canyon. Regardless, “the Look,” her slinky, pouty-lipped head-lowered stare, influenced a generation of actresses. After a 50-year career, she received her first Oscar nomination for supporting actress for her role as Barbra Streisand’s mother in 1997’s “The Mirror Has Two Faces.” Though considered a shoo-in, she didn’t

Harun Farocki, Filmmaker of Modern Life, Dies at 70

Harun Farocki , an avant-garde German filmmaker and video artist whose work examined the ways images are used to inform, instruct, persuade and propagandize, died on Wednesday near Berlin. He was 70. His death, from unspecified causes, was confirmed by the Greene Naftali Gallery in New York, which represents him. Mr. Farocki made more than 100 films, many of them short experimental documentaries that explored contemporary life, and what he saw as its myriad depredations — war, imprisonment, surveillance, capitalism — through the visual stimuli that attend them. Ruminative, but with an undercurrent of urgency born of his longstanding social engagement, Mr. Farocki’s films sought to illuminate the ways that the technology of image-making is used to shape public ideology. His work, shown on European television, has also been the subject of major exhibitions at the Museum of Modern Art in New York, the Tate Modern in London and elsewhere. Writing about Mr.

Robert Drew, Cinema Verite Documentarian, Dies at 90

Filmmaker Robert Drew, a pioneer of the modern documentary who in "Primary" and other movies mastered the intimate, spontaneous style known as cinema verite and schooled a generation of influential directors that included D.A. Pennebaker and Albert Maysles, has died at age 90. His son Thatcher Drew confirmed he died Wednesday at his home in Sharon, Connecticut. Starting in 1960 with "Primary," Mr. Drew produced and sometimes directed a series of television documentaries that took advantage of such innovations as light hand-held cameras that recorded sound and pictures. With filmmakers newly unburdened, nonfiction movies no longer had to be carefully staged and awkwardly narrated. Directors could work more like journalists, following their subjects for hours and days at a time and capturing revealing moments. Michael Moore, a filmmaker, said Wednesday that Mr. Drew, along with Mr. Pennebaker and Richard Leacock, "made it possible for real s

Le cinéaste américain Paul Mazursky est mort

Le cinéaste américain Paul Mazursky, cinq fois nommé aux Oscars, auteur notamment de Bob et Carole et Ted et Alice ou du Clochard de Beverly Hills , est mort à 84 ans, a indiqué son agent mardi 1 er juillet. « Il était notre Fellini américain. Il va me manquer énormément » , a écrit sur Twitter son ami, le réalisateur Mel Brooks, le décrivant comme « l'un des plus talentueux réalisateurs et scénaristes à avoir jamais fait des films » . Selon la presse spécialisée, Paul Mazursky a été victime d'un arrêt cardiaque à Los Angeles . M. Mazursky a réalisé une quinzaine de films, des comédies douces amères sur Les choses de l'amour , titre de l'une de ses œuvres, ou sur la grandeur et décadence de la vie américaine, comme dans Le clochard de Beverly Hills , avec Nick Nolte et Bette Midler. Mazursky a été nommé une première fois aux Oscars en 1969 pour le scénario de la comédie échangiste Bob et Carole et Ted et Alice , puis pour ceux de Harry et Tonto en 1974,

Mickey Rooney, Master of Putting On a Show, Dies at 93

Mickey Rooney , the exuberant entertainer who led a roller-coaster life — the world’s top box-office star at 19 as the irrepressible Andy Hardy, a bankrupt has-been in his 40s, a comeback kid on Broadway as he neared 60 — died on Sunday at his home in Los Angeles. He was 93. His death was confirmed by his son Michael Joseph Rooney. He stood only a few inches taller than five feet, but Mr. Rooney was larger and louder than life. From the moment he toddled onto a burlesque stage at 17 months to his movie debut at 6 to his career-crowning Broadway debut in “Sugar Babies” at 59 and beyond, he did it all. He could act, sing, dance, play piano and drums, and before he was out of short pants he could cry on cue. Continue reading the main story As Andy Hardy, growing up in the idealized fictional town of Carvel, Mr. Rooney was the most famous teenager in America from 1937 to 1944: everybody’s cheeky son or younger brother, energetic and feverishly in love with girls and cars. The 1